Playable Character: Alucard

Alucard, the rebellious son of Dracula who has fought alongside the Belmont Clan for generations. Ever since his debut in Dracula’s Curse, he has become one of the most popular and recurring characters in the series, rivaling the Belmonts’ popularity. He’s known for his massive arsenal of weapons and magic, as well as his multiple transformations.

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Playable Character: Christopher Belmont

From the good ol’ times of black and white portable screens, Christopher was the most well-known Belmont due to his own sub-series of games. Christopher has had to face Dracula’s cruelty in many ways, including having to fight his own son after he got possessed by the Count. Now he’s back with a vengeance and ready to lash out!


  • Name: Christopher Belmont
  • Notable appearances: Castlevania: The Adventure, Belmont’s Revenge, The Adventure ReBirth.
  • Design: Based on his classic design.
  • Voice Actor: Doug Stone
  • Theme: Battle of the Holy – Castlevania: The Adventure ReBirth


Christopher is a clone of Trevor. Pretty much all of their moves remain the same, but Christopher’s movement speed is slower than Trevor’s, as a callback to the GB Castlevania games’ infamously slow speed. To compensate for this, his basic whip attacks have an enhanced range and he can shoot a fireball out of the whip’s tip for some attacks, referencing the Fireball Whip.

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Like Trevor, he cannot twirl his whip.

Special Moves

Blade Serpent: (Reverse quarter-circle + P) Summons a barrage of knives that travel a short distance in front of Christopher. The button input changes the angle. The EX version lasts longer and has better reach. Christopher can use Daggers in ReBirth.

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Destruction: (Half-circle + P) Trevor leaps forward and smashes his axe against the ground. The input regulates the distance and strength of the attack. The EX version adds large spires at the end of the attack, expanding its range (Pictured).

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Holy Water: (Quarter-circle + K) Christopher lobs a bottle of Holy Water at the ground. Poor reach, but unlike Simon’s, Christopher’s version acts more as a bilateral spacing tool that encompasses both flanks with fire. The input changes how long it lasts. The EX version expands for a few seconds.

Flaming Fist: (Reverse half-circle + K) Christopher charges forward with his fists on fire and delivers an uppercut that launches the enemy skyward. The input regulates the speed and power. All versions have super armor. The EX version turns super armor into invincibility frames.

Whip Toss: (Quarter-circle + PK) Christopher swings his whip at the enemy to grab them before slamming them behind him. No difference in inputs. The EX version adds an additional slam for more damage.

Execution Attack – Final Rush: Christopher charges forward and delivers a barrage of fast kicks before comboing it into a Grand Cross, which summons several small crosses that suck the enemy in for a multi-hitting attack.

Alternate Costumes

ReBirth Costume

The Belmont Legacy Costume

Soleiyu Belmont Costume (Uses the black and white palette.)

Arcade Mode

“Game Boy Mayhem”

Christopher fights various characters from the GB-GBA games.


  • Sonia Belmont
  • Christopher Belmont (with the Soleiyu costume)
  • Kid Dracula
  • Nathan Graves
  • Juste Belmont
  • Soma Cruz (Dracula costume)

Playable Character: Dracula

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What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets! Dracula Vlad Ţepeş is the main antagonist of the Castlevania series. An avatar of chaos itself, Dracula is a symbol of malice and fear that lives on inside men’s hearts, no matter how many times he’s defeated. He is the most recurring character in Castlevania, so he’s even more iconic than the Belmont Clan.

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Playable Characters: Trevor Belmont

Trevor C. Belmont is the second character to become a protagonist in the Castlevania series. Although he made his debut after Simon did, Trevor’s adventures take place roughly 200 years before Simon’s quests. Trevor is just as iconic as his descendant, especially thanks to his appearance in the Netflix Castlevania animated series.

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Playable Character: Simon Belmont

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Simon Belmont originates from the first Castlevania game. He is considered to be the most iconic out of all Castlevania protagonists, and his fame is great enough to take him to plenty of games outside of the series, including Super Smash Bros. He may not be the first Belmont, chronologically speaking, but he is the one that made the Belmont name known.

Continue reading “Playable Character: Simon Belmont”

Gameplay Mechanics

In this post, I will explain the various mechanics of the game.

Control Scheme

Much like in Street Fighter, there are six main types of inputs, divided by two categories: Intensity and Height.

By intensity, inputs can be Light, Medium or Heavy.

By height, they can be “Punches” or “Kicks”, but please note that these are just metaphorical names and do not necessarily correlate to actual punches or kicks, depending on the character.

Using a PlayStation 4 controller as the example, the button layout would be the following:

  • Light Punch (LP): Square (Y in a Nintendo or Xbox controller)
  • Medium Punch (MP): Triangle (X in a Nintendo or Xbox controller)
  • Heavy Punch (HP): R1 (Right shoulder button)
  • Light Kick (LK): X (B in a Nintendo or Xbox controller)
  • Medium Kick (MK): Circle (A in a Nintendo or Xbox controller)
  • Heavy Kick (HK): R2 (Right trigger button)

In order to attempt a grab, the player must perform any combination of P and K inputs with matching intensity. Alternatively, the L2 button (Left trigger) serves as a shortcut, but it only uses the MP + MK combination.

In order to guard, the player must hold the control stick (or press the D-pad) in the opposite direction to the one to which the player’s character is looking.

Every character has different special attacks that they can perform if the player inputs unique commands that involve spinning the control stick in specific directions and pressing one of the attack buttons. Every attack has its own special effects, and will be specified in their own pages.

Heart Meter and its uses

When dishing out or receiving damage, the player’s Heart Meter will fill out. Like in most Castlevania games, Hearts serve offensive purposes. In this case, they offer the player the option to access various enhancements to their special attacks.

When the Heart Meter reaches 25%, players will be able to use EX Attacks, which enhance some of the character’s special attacks. Players can use EX Attacks by duplicating the button presses during the input. For example, Simon Belmont’s Holy Water attack, which can be performed by inputting “Down, Down-Right, Right + any Punch” would turn into the EX version if the player presses both LP and MP at the same time during the input. Using EX Attacks will consume 25% of the Heart Meter, so they cannot be spammed.

When the Heart Meter reaches 100%, players can use an Execution Attack, which acts as the character’s strongest move. To activate an EX move, the player has to press all three intensity buttons of either Punch or Kick at the same time. Alternatively, they can press L1 (Left shoulder button) as a shortcut. These attacks can only be used once per round, and they can miss, so they’re a powerful trump card that must be used intelligently.


List of Characters

This is a list of all playable characters in Waltz of Remembrance, sorted by the games that they originate from.

From Castlevania (1986) and Simon’s Quest

From Dracula’s Curse

From The Adventure

From Rondo of Blood and Symphony of the Night

  • Richter Belmont
  • Maria Renard
  • Shaft

From Bloodlines

  • John Morris (Clone of Simon)
  • Eric Lecarde
  • Elizabeth Bartley

From Legends

  • Sonia Belmont

From Castlevania (1999) and Legacy of Darkness

  • Reinhardt Schneider (Clone of Leon)
  • Carrie Fernandez (Clone of Sypha)
  • Cornell

From Circle of the Moon

  • Nathan Graves
  • Hugh Baldwin
  • Camilla

From Aria of Sorrow and Dawn of Sorrow

  • Soma Cruz
  • Yoko Belnades (Clone of Sypha)
  • Julius Belmont (Clone of Richter)

From Harmony of Dissonance

  • Juste Belmont
  • Maxim Kischine

From Lament of Innocence

  • Leon Belmont
  • Walter Bernhardt

From Curse of Darkness

  • Hector
  • Isaac

From Portrait of Ruin

  • Jonathan Morris & Charlotte Aulin (joint character)
  • Brauner

From Order of Ecclesia

  • Shanoa

From Judgment

  • Aeon

From Kid Dracula

  • Kid Dracula

From Lords of Shadows

  • Gabriel Belmont

From Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night (Guest character)

  • Miriam

Overall, there are 38 playable characters, with only six of them being clones. Each one of them has unique dialogue and their own Arcade Mode story.